The Very Best of Christmas Days
Memories of my best Christmases
The best Christmases of mine
Was when my family and loved ones
Could afford me some of their time
To be surrounded by the ones I love
Is all I could wish for
To spend the holidays with them all
I could ask for nothing more
Wife, children, grandchildren
To have them there with me
To be wrapped up in the moment
The best place I could be
They grow, they lead such busy lives
It can’t always be the way
Ah, but those years they gifted me with time
My favourite Christmas Days
Time is a rare commodity these days
It becomes such a precious thing
As I grow older and it ebbs away
It’s the best gift one can bring
You don’t need to be mega rich
One gift will do just fine
Gift your loved ones with your presence
Gift them with your time