The Visit
my love came to me
with a song
i played it over and over
all day long
and love reminded me
of memories
memories that have
traveled through
my heart, my mind and soul
showing me things
my eye's can no longer behold
my ears can no longer hear
or my hands grasp
or my tommorows hope for
she showed me love i had
and wished i had
yes indeed i was very glad
my memories today
the best i ever had
thoughts of her
dived in and out of me
changing me like channels
playing me like keys
all my deep emotions
each one as she pleased
my joy, my tears
she vanquished my fears
we spoke and said what we came
to say
that our love
will live forever and a day
i was amazed at how God
let her speak
in his secret and special way
that He and i speak
i know you don't believe
you have to have faith
when i need God the most
He shows me
a little of His face
(this is a true story)