The Way It Feels
The way it feels…
So quiet, so real, so beautiful
Peace unspoken, whispers
Like a sigh, clinging to smiles
Justifying the light, the twinkle
In eyes, the delight inside
The way it feels…
Passion unleashed, fresh
Stirring up dreams, relief
Tenderness that brings grace
Intimacy, an embrace, kisses
Flames, burning away the past
Increasing beauty everlasting
Amazement, laughter
Sensations of hope
The way it feels…
Lasting calm, a sweetness
That believes and inspires, gentling
Each breath of melancholy
Truths approaching gladness
Arousing sparks of kindness
Rumors of imagination, washing
Away the darkness with radiance
That keeps the heart alive, surviving
The way it feels…
Melodies alive, dancing
In the spirit, tempting hearts
To hear the music, the tunes
Lyrics blooming like the noon
Sunshine highs and joy arising
From the life of one who abides
In love that encourages the light
To shine like the kindness, so bright
The way it feels….
Reveals the reality
The creativity, the flash
Of insight, muse energizing
Enduring tests of time, the nights
Shadows and hues of darkness
Fighting every persisting light
Forming elation from the soft voice
Declaring reverence, wisdom
Choosing souls to pour into – liquid
Affection, direction to the way it feels…
To be filled with compassion, everlasting
August 20, 2022