The Weapon of Choice
You didn’t have to hit me to form a scar
You didn’t have to make a fist to make a mark
You didn’t have to use any force
Your choice of weapon was your voice
The damage it caused wasn’t yours
The hurt I felt as you cut into my core
These scars I bare entirely by choice
Because I stayed when you raised your voice
Love to me meant loyalty
I stayed to be your queen indeed
I thought I reigned in your heart and history
How lucky am I now to have gained my liberty
I hope the next one loves you less
Not because I hate you because I don’t, yeah yes
But because it may be easier for her to leave
When she finally sees what she needs to see
I don’t believe you are inherently bad
And no you weren’t always mad
You were charming enough for me to fall in love with you
Yet when I mentioned a problem all help you refused
Experience is mine to gain through this trial
For you still see yourself through the eyes of a child
I’ve now enjoyment in a life without strife
And look to be surrounded by good in my life
Being cut loose for me was the best
For now I can finally take some rest
I don’t have to always be on my guard
For peace and happiness you no longer rob
Written - February 08, 2021 - 5 PM