The Web
The Web
Stan Almendro©
I sit so quiet at my window watching this little fly
It is also being watched by a spider oh so sly
The web is spun and now it is the patient game
In every walk of love and life, it is for us the same
The web of love and life is spun for every one
It makes our hearts so light or feeling like a ton
No hairy-legged spider is watching o’er this web
It is often a blue-eyed guy with curls on his head
At first, it is a smile and a short winking of the eye
This makes my legs so weak and a big hearty sigh
The web has no power yet draws the victim nearer
It is what makes falling in love evermore so dearer
So my blue-eyed spider as you wait there by your web
Is it me you want to snare or someone else instead?
The force of your stringy web is more than I can take
It is either a silky web or my heart that you will break
Well I’ve now lost site of the sly spider and the little fly
I do not see a hairy-legged monster looking oh so sly
My legs are weak and my heart is pounding very high
I’ll let be that blue-eyed spider if you let me be your fly