The Whisper
As I sat at my computer, wondering what to do,
A whisper in my ear said, I have a job for you.
Startled I looked around but no-one was there,
I was alone in the still of the night.
I recalled my wife told me of Samuel,
A prophet back in biblical times,
I felt foolish, knowing what I had to do,
I was alone and simply said, God, is that you?
I am who I am the whisper came back,
And I have a job for you
I have looked at your life through your veil of tears,
And have decided just what to do.
Are you God? I asked, hardly daring to breathe,
If so then I've something to say.
Why has my life been so hard to live?
I've struggled right up to this day.
I've been kicked and beaten, left battered and bruised,
Laughed at, spat at, abused and accused.
Each time I have tried to better myself all these years,
It's ended in sorrow, no laughter, just tears.
God, have you seen my distress from the start?
Why didn't you help stop a breaking heart?
I love you much and have never left you alone,
Through your trials and pain I see you have grown.
I have watched and waited for many years,
I have carried you long through your veil of tears,
The strength you have now is through My love,
Protected and guided by Me up above.
Remember the times when life looked so bleak,
Times when death was all you would seek.
No signs for the future, just lay down and die,
Who helped you My son? It was I.
You have asked many times why can't we move on?
Each time we were stopped, to help out someone.
Just when we thought it was safe now to try,
Someone else came along and on us did rely.
There are many I love and will never let down,
So I trained you My son through your years of despair.
When folk needed help, I knew you were there,
Sometimes just a shoulder to show that you care.
You have done many things, the world cares not a jot,
Your faults are forgiven, I remember them not.
When you work for the Lord sometimes you may stumble,
I will not let you fall if you remain humble.
Thank you Father for letting me see,
The wonderful life you have planned for me,
The journey is long, and hard every day,
But through it all I have learned how to pray.
I'll follow You Lord, Your path I will tread,
My future secure, no longer I dread.
No fear for tomorrow, each brand new day,
To help someone else to move on their way.
© Dave Timperley 2012