The Whisper of Love
“Whispers of Love”
The Maximum Sacrifice
I whisper on my shoulders your love which is life in heaven,
My love dependencies on pleasure, and mind aware;
Alighting, perhaps, the pain I find unperturbed on given
Beyond the unenthralled, truly desire of what you and I are!
I found no fear to speak; I have hung you next to me at last,
Barrier cannot be broken, hour is only ours; but love shall grow;
Leaning on my shoulders, which I feel like a host hold on breast
The distinguish passion of given. Your heart’s prow,
Aflame more out of this man, and there is exit everywhere
What I love and what I whisper such tireless pleasure!
It shares with other inside you, oh root! From somewhere
Always associated the two of us, my darling, our love shall dure!
George Zamalea