The Willow Tree
Upon the good river
A willow tree grew
The days passed by
Never once did the willow sigh
Of sunsets and dawns
Winters and springs
The days passed by
Never once did the willow sigh
Summers and autumns
The turning leaves
Brown and gold fell and did die
Never once did the willow tree sigh
A cool wind blew
Through its' branches
To its' heart it crept and let it lie
Never once did the willow sigh
When fledglings left the nest
To the blue sky
The joyous flight test
Never once did the willow sigh
When the snow fell deep
The river froze and the earth stood still
When nature tried to crack the tree with all its ' will
Never once did the willow sigh
When lovers came in soft sunlight
In summers' crowning glory
They kissed beneath the sky
Only once then, did the willow sigh