Love Poem: The Wolf and I
Keith O.J. Hunt Avatar
Written by: Keith O.J. Hunt

The Wolf and I

'O to feel the night,
  wrapped up in some little cove of the world,
  some niche of damp love;
  my creatures of the night howl to tunes
  of the midnite minstrel ---
  (path of the lone-walker)
  and stare to dawn with a sorrowful melody

'Tis not bitter sometimes to hold a thing of damp love,
  in the throes of days end,
  in drunk mood....
  staring your soul in the stars

My canvas is the celestial dome,
  the harvest moon....
  I am the painter of night who walks alone,
  singing a sorrowful melody,
  staring to dawn,
  am I

**A take on sweet sorrow through animal familiars**
(A theme used in a poetry class) 2014