The Wonder of You
At first I thought you were just being nice
To make a good impression on a first date.
"Her true self needs time to break the ice,"
I thought as we talked until it was late.
I saw you again, but you were still the same—
Uncommonly gracious, loving, kindly spoken.
"She’s not being real, playing the same game."
I was quite certain I was seeing only a token.
But additional encounters proved me wrong.
You were as fetching and fabulous as before.
"This lady is a treasure; she sings a true song."
Hence, fond feelings for you I couldn’t ignore.
I worried if I were worthy to seek your hand.
You had character smiles out of my reach.
"Face it, fool, for you she’s simply too grand."
I saw myself as a crabapple, you as a peach.
But there came a day when I had to do it
Lest another suitor claim you as his bride.
"Have I the courage, the charm and the wit?"
Perhaps not, but I must know that I tried.
Decades have passed with you as my Sweet.
It may seem impossible, but I pledge it’s true.
"She continues to take me off my feet."
And that, my love, is the wonder of you.