The Wondrous Constellations
At my birth, something happened up there...
into the wondrous constellations,
God Himself made them shine brighter
for this new born trascending life
into a destiny of greatness;
and my grateful smile deepened His delight!
Astrologers study the heavenly bodies:
stars, planets and the wondrous constellations
to predict the events of an individual's destiny...
from an ordinary the most extraordinary;
fame is measured by a monetary value,
but greatness is a spirituality laid open to view!
Nowdays simplicity is looked upon with suspicion,
it seems a bit too spontaneous and impractical;
the modernist confounds it and confronts it,
treating it like an incurable disease of the outcast,
but no great man has ever been
ashamed of expressing it and propagating it!
We are building monuments of wonders,
and go far into the boundless Universe...
instead of undoing pain and disharmony,
curing the plagues that inflict this Humanity;
our society is too proud and arrogant...
nothing frightens us, and we still remain defiant!
If your fate favors you over the others,
who only can wish for such glorious moments
consumed in prosperity and greatness;
start cultivating the seeds of wisdom,
seeking out those truest friends living on the Earth...
to admire and share the wondrous constellations above!