Love Poem: The Yellow Curtain

The Yellow Curtain

The curtain in my room is pale yellow, 
           With unique embroidered golden leaves on it, 
                My mother lived in this room for a little while, 
                    And unknowingly left a bit of her, 
                                    for ever!

               She told me, she loved the curtain. 
           Waking up at the first light of ruby dawn, 
        When sky is mesmerizing with shades of vermilion, 
          She used to gaze at the enthralling golden leaves, 
       And ponder about every one she cherished in her life, 
                  Each enigmatic leaf reminded her 
                     Of each of her beloved ones.
                          She prayed for them, 
              With inimitable tenderness, whispering,
                    Uttering each and every name, 
             Each and every person precious in her life, 

                              And in the end, 
                      The names were countless! 

                 The Yellow Curtain still hangs there.

                                     May 23, 2020
                    FIRST PLACE - In Loving Memory Contest
                                 Sponsor: Regina Riddle

                                        FIRST PLACE
                            "Mother" Poetry Contest
                          Sponsor: Constance La France

                    "The Throwback Challenge" Poetry Contest
                               Sponsor: Natasha L. Scragg
                                      SECOND PLACE
                           Featured Poem: April 12, 2021

I wrote this poem after my mother came to visit me in Canada, and stayed for a few months. I used to see her praying every morning, and one day she told me about the embroidered flowers on the curtain. This is the second poem I wrote in my life - the first one is "Dreams" (posted as first on Soup Page) - after I lost my mother, and knew she would never come back to that room. This was the beginning of my poetic journey. I realized, Poetry was my path.