Therapeutic Democracy
Democracy is what we do
and breathe together
to empower ourselves.
Some would say the same of prayer
and holy communion
and secular communication
and healthy relationships.
Democracy seems like an empowering experience
of equality and interdependence
before it became an anti-royalist political philosophy.
Which may serve as a humbling reminder
that great abstract theories
so left-brain universally fascinating
derive from whole mindbody experience
of individual egos,
healthy or other-unwise.
If no ego-experience,
then no ecosystemic consciousness
of democracy
or autocracy
or kleptocracy
or plutocracy
or oligarchy
or capitalocracy
or theocracy
or patriarchy
or even warm accompanying matriarchy.
Multiculturing democracy,
a hybrid of egalitarian aspirations
and interdependent respirations,
requires organized
win/win ego/theo-logical communication,
health wealthy ecological relationships.
Disorganized communication
is an oxymoron,
like enriching divestment
and disturbing attachment
and democratic capitalism
and resilient win/lose compassion.
Democracy is what we win/win breathe
develop together
to empower egohealth identities
and wealthy ecosystems.