Therapeutic Work and Play
You mentioned you work with a therapist.
Has she encouraged you to incorporate centering exercises
and holistic thinking and feeling experiences
healing interior and exterior nondualistic climate events
in your everyday thinking/feeling mutually non-violent practice?
Has she encouraged you to disclose what you can realistically pray for
while making and selling automatic rifles?
And living cooperatively with those who choose to profit
in this terrorizing way?
You mean those tedious bicameral bilateral practices
like tai chi and yoga,
drumming while singing
and whistling
and laughing
and tweeting
or something wild like that?
I suppose I might,
although none of those are in my own daily repertoire
against depression
and climate crisis anxiety,
and an already compromised critical immune system.
Have you tried any of these holistic things
your therapist has suggested,
or not,
perhaps in passing
or passing by,
as alternative supplements and implements with your talk therapy?
Has she suggested walking and talking on the beach
and through forests,
and over and back down mountain trails,
tracking rivers flowing up and down,
circling around lakes rising and falling,
down competitive MainStreets
and up more cooperatively communalized by-streets
with under-capitalized
organic communioned
community eco-school gardens?
I don't recall anything quite so athletic
or communal
I don't know...
something about a PolyCultural DNA EcoCommons?
With your ADHD,
your high YHWH revenge-climate crisis anxiety,
your non-violent cooperative feminist
reverse-hierarchical solidarity philosophy,
And with your chronic depression,
disassociating repression,
ecopolitical suppression,
invited by LeftBrain dominant paranoid
self-justifying Yang v Yin concerns,
your mindbody might prefer bipedal
as well as bicameral
centering exercises
you can do every enchanting day
whether walking through a forest,
with or without peer therapists being-doing
or walking non-violently while talking
as you journey from one room to the other
and up and down ancient stairs to nowhere/everywhere
inside your own home
and other divinely inspired green-potential sanctuaries.
I don't think I can talk green and meditate ultra-nonviolet
even in a sanctuary.
It's more like non-violent walking and talking
and ultra-nonviolet medicating
at the same time,
like thinking with your LeftBrain and right-dominant foot
while feeling-listening with your Right CooperativeBrain
and left-prominent foot
reverse backward through time's history,
then upstream forward
into EarthTribe's healthier green-shared future Commons.
I'm not sure I even trust that such a climate risk-management practice
would be a loyal
and patriotic
and faithful thing to do
and think
and/or feel.
Too startling,
to deductively think about 2020 polypathic nurturing vision,
Too dissonant against BusinessAsUsual
LeftBrain competitions between think dominating feel
RightBrain response to LeftBrain oppressive
mechanistic system thinking
disassociating from RightBrain feels discerning harmonies of pace
and cooperative/dissonant hue,
and climate cry
and spiral walking through and by
doing reverse being
saying seeing.
Yet if your LeftBrain does choose to reconsider,
all thoughts include implicit healing/toxic feelings
as all feelings, resonant or dissonant and in-between,
re-associate with LeftBrain conservational
conversational deductive/inductive balance
of natural/spiritual healthy thoughts with feelings,
While right foot follows left
following right
through each day's inside and outside
ego- and eco-therapeutic re-balancing journey
through life and death
between cooperative natural breath
and communal spiritual ecstasy, release reverse
Right foot forward into life
Left foot backward
past RightBrain's sacred regenerate passage
of timeless journeying back
through all former incarnate imaged lives
Patriarchal Right forward
and matriarchal Left reverse-hierarchical Time
co-governing pace through slowing our RightBrainBody
green organic herstory
negentropic timeless
run-on empty sentences
composed of re-associative double-binding phrases
like the sound of one foot not not walking
Perhaps I could feel called
to walk some small part
of this bipedal bicameral health journey.
But, how do I know when it is time to stop
and get on with my competitive egocentric day?
I'm not LeftBrain sure how I know
when to stop walking this pilgrimage
into cooperative WinWin.
I wake up each morning
more happily determined
to walk and talk in bicameral solidarity
until we have all found this healthy being RightFelt
is doing LeftMapped journey
we were good-faith organically born to look for
and cooperatively expect
communally respect
polypathically request
of each EarthTribe
sacred ego/eco-schooling
deep learning
As therapeutically taught
by MotherEarth's EcoRevolution School.