Love Poem: There Are Things I Never Want To Know

There Are Things I Never Want To Know

There are darknesses that I don't want to know
  I never want to meet you on any street or back alley
 paying so deep the price of a soul sold cheap

Ripped by cruelty
 I don't want to know you!!!

Searing force and darkness.
 I don't want to see you!!!!

You're wretched brilliant eyes are too sharp for me
I see what you've become

The Very glaring brilliance of your pain 
 turned to darkness is something I cannot heal or can I?

My steel? my strength? My hope? my preservation?

So gently into the night comes kindness 
the soft pillow. 
a gentle hand 

Does heart hope to the heel?

Gently into the night the softest touch and kindness of thought doth bring Hope???? even unto a vampire?

Cannot kindness in its meanness
 it's softening ointment
a Salve
A cream 
soft as white dew 
sweetness of truth 

Unto a life that has known nothing but cruelty?
Is it all lost?
Like a babe or teen adopted into a space of generosity

Does a soul ever really give up or does it forever hold in its core? 
A flickering tiny flame of creations possibilities.
a place of perfect peace 
a tiny gem of truth known to all in the cell walls of birth

can it not be found if brought to an island built of such precious gems as that?

What is to be reborn not in religion but in faith in life?
 if given to or lost forever to a rank red space 

I demand that you give me back my shoulder
A shoulder upon which children can cry and in crying. 
Remember that every soul has a home in me
I demand my children back!
No child
 ever lost that cannot be found

No soul ever so dark that  cannot find its way to light
to blues and hues of heaven
Follow the tiny flicker at the tiny light that still exists so very deep in your soul path 
...up through the long channel and at the end of the longest tunnel they're still exists. 
The holy morning sunrise my light-of the true Light