There In the Shadows
In the shadows of my heart
I feel the shame growing, strengthening
Itself through the memories of a past
Where I just didn’t grasp the meaning of His Grace
His love and His kindness, His mercy
So inspiring…
In the shadows of my heart
I feel like I should just give up, but where
Oh where could I go…
Even in doubt, even in despair, even in dishonor
He is my only answer. He is the only way
He is the where who I embrace when I can’t see
Past the fears and tears, through the darkness
That seems like it will never lift, - feels like I will
Never see the light of the SON, THE SON
In the shadows of my heart
I feel the humiliation of my own jealousies,
My own fears, my own dishonor and indignity
Destroying my hopes and dreams, discrediting
Me, my belief… oh, please – Savior, beautiful SON
Shine down through my soul, bless me with Your love,
Silence the doubts, the sorrows, the destroyer…
Who comes to kill and wreck the beautiful that
Will never fade, the beautiful that is the way to see
Into the spirit of those who believe HE IS THE LIGHT
He is the King! He is the reason for everything –
He is the SON who lights up my soul!
In the shadows – there are sorrows untold,
Fears that I’ve never spoken, tears that have never
Fallen – yet, when I remember Him, the SON
Who abides with me, through every dark place,
Through every disgrace… I remember this LOVE
That gives meaning to the word – JESUS!
In the shadow of my heart, I know SOMEONE
Who casts away every hurt and brings me into the light,
Where I can finally see – He is brighter than the sun,
More beautiful than the moon – He silences every hurt
He is the ONE who brings me hope, faith and love
He is the only REASON I seek Him, overcome with the knowledge
That HIS LOVE abides through every shadow, every fear
WITH HIM, I can face the worst there is with the assurance
That WITH HIM, I will never be without a prayer
Because of Him, my intercessor, my prayers are met
With God’s acceptance!
I love HIM more than I can say – with love that never doubts or fades
Thank YOU, Jesus.. for everything!