There Is Hope Yet
When we think about life and start to fret
About things we have done that we truly regret
Bad things that we would really want to forget
Just know that things in life we should learn to accept
No reason for our eyes with tears to get wet
We should think about our loved ones and friends we have met
And try to realize that there is no reason to be upset
People care and their love we should take in with every breath
We should let nothing hurt us now, not even death
Life isn’t fair but we should remember and get our minds set
That in this world there is love and there is hope yet
There is hope yet. I would like to invite all soup members who reads this poem to
view the Roses From The Heart site and sign the guestbook. Friends I have here
makes me feel sure that there is indeed hope. Read Carol's blog
entitled "Please" for the site addy. Let us give others hope.Thanks!