There Will Be Blood
A thousand years ago
My children’s children bore life
Indeed, silence they have brought
But silence they have slain
And they swam oceans and seas
Journeyed through the sands
Stopped by the shadows
And lit no light
I watched my children’s children
Bore another life
And I prayed to the suns and moons
As the sky dances to its tunes
My prayers begun as I begged
“Do not undo time, do not slay my sons
My daughters will bear children
You shall soon see light”
And my prayers were heard
But a price I must pay
“You will watch your children
Bathe on your own blood”
And a thousand years later
My children stopped at none
I watched them part ways
I watched them day and night
They drenched to each other’s blood
They made love to one another’s wife
Raising soldiers from sons
Bathing daughters to be brides
But a parent could only bare such
Questioning one’s own love
Seeking answers never to be found
Sleepless nights to endless thoughts
And I stood between two paths
Calling from the sands of time
Summoning all ashes and bones
Rise, my sleeping warriors of just