There Will Be More Christmases
With or without snow...
there will be more Christmases,
more candles that glow,
more carols for me to sing;
going that peace brightens all hearts!
I'll give the beggar, who's shivering,
a warm coat and to the hungry
coffee, bread and presents:
nobody must cold and lonely:
wouldn't Jesus be happy?
There are rich people,
and there are poor people;
they all grieve, they all rejoice!
The mean and the greedy
always close both eyes
refusing to give them a dime...
as if fate won't tilt their cups
and spill all their riches!
What did Jesus say
about these folks?
Be kind, be merciful
and share each Christmas
with anyone in dire need,
then stick to your truest creed!
There will be more Christmases
until the red logs keep crackling
and light up all that's not so cheerful;
why can't Christmas be so magical...
ushering in peace in tearful war times?
Don't be hopeless, calm is coming!
Watch me sigh at the wonderful Heavens above,
bow down in prayer, not looking below anymore!