There's a Loving Jesus
There’s A Loving Jesus!
There’s a loving Jesus! Faithful, loyal and true!
This same Jesus died on the cross for YOU!
There’s a merciful Jesus! He is always your friend!
Won’t you allow his blood to cleanse you within?
There’s a risen Jesus! He’s alive and well today!
If heaven’s your goal, he already made a way!
There’s a beautiful Jesus! How he loves us so!
The words he speaks bring healing to the soul!
This loving Jesus is someone we can depend on!
He’s a solid foundation that we can build on!
This same Jesus that walked on earth for 33 years.
He’s here today and can wipe away your tears!
This same Jesus wants to have fellowship with you!
He offers his very best, simply because he loves you!
Won’t you accept this loving Jesus and his redemption?
He freely offers an abundant life, mercy and salvation.
Now’s the best time to accept his loving grace.
He’ll give true peace, and put a smile on your face!
Please come to him, before you change your mind…
This is the day of salvation! And the accepted time!
By Jim Pemberton 04/15/14