There's Something That Happened To Me
There’s something that has already been decided…
Everything I need… God has provided!
There’s something that’s been long ago proven…
There’s a God who loves us. I’m not foolin’!
There’s something that has stood the test of time…
All of God’s promises are yours and mine!
There’s something that’s beyond
our comprehension…
It’s about a God who seeks our
love and attention.
There’s something about a God who cares for us…
We’ve all sinned... But he’s never left us!
There’s something about Jesus. He died in our place…
It’s because of his mercy and unfailing grace!
There’s something about this same Jesus.
He lives today!
He can change your life…
And wash your sins away!
Something that I can do…
Is to have a humble attitude…
Devote myself to God…
And serve him with gratitude…
This is something I’ve started….
A new journey begins!
As I walk with Jesus… And come closer to HIM!
This is something that I’m so thankful I’ve done…
Is to have a relationship with Jesus… God’s son!
This is something… Where God has “fixed”
a “hopeless situation..."
And has given me his gift of LIFE…
By Jim Pemberton