These Are the Days
Those were the days...
we loved our Spring's new blooms
with petals soft and fresh with morning dew.
We spent the best of time in Summer love.
So soon, our Winter days
past Autumn flew.
These are the days...
and how we value each
as they present more time to love and grow.
The scent of blooms from Spring to end of Fall
left sweet perfume
that drifts with Winter snow.
These are the days...
our special tasks complete,
and now we savor our fond memories.
And yet, our journey still continues on...
revives each day
with new discoveries.
These are the special days...
we relish now
in older years, but with young hearts that beat
to rhythms that are shared and most enjoyed...
that makes our lives complete.
June 5, 2018
Contest: These Are The Days
Sponsor: Daniel Turner