These Arms Long To Hold You
You are on my mind each day and night.
My grief has settled as part of me.
Your death did not cause all love to flee
for your feel is still in my heart’s sight.
You are with me at home in each room
where cherished couple memories move.
Such love recalls lift me from pain’s grove
and best tend my heart’s long ago bloom.
It hurts that new memories aren’t made;
no more days come to share love with you,
to raise my heart to joy’s hopeful view
and I’m scared my clear recall might fade.
Nights are still hard for me to accept.
In our bed my heart aches fully blue
and these arms long to hold you anew,
not wet your pillow with my tears inept.
That heaven needed you more than I
is just inconceivable to me
so, each night, I voice to stars my plea:
tell me my way without my heart’s guy …
... CayCay
September 25, 2019