Love Poem: These Days
Alexander Jackson Avatar
Written by: Alexander Jackson

These Days

I breathe you in
The smell of your hair
The taste of you skin.

The promise of your body
The you that is part me
Laid out on sheets

Whiter than your skin.
Spread out across hope
Bluer than the sky

These things never leave me
They haunt me these days
When you are gone

As I watch you drift 

The constant ache of absence
Relieved when I see you again

In spite the No Man's Land 
That lays between us,

Probably, I'll close my eyes 
And try to cross again

But, these days

I go about my business
I say my prayers

Eat when I'm hungry
Sleep when I'm tired

And am duly cut in two
One half here, walking around

The other

Laid out on sheets,

Shorn thin

Spread out across hope

That is as blue 

As your eyes 



Warm as your skin