They Are Individually Titled
I remember when i brought you home
A little princess in a beautiful dress
Your little round head full of brown thick hair
With dark sparkly brown eyes
I cried when you were born
My precious baby girl
I knew i'd love you forever
the moment you came into the world
You are my pride and joy
Bless your little heart and soul
May you live a life of happiness
Yes,live your best and be whole.
I have this one dated feb.08.03
It is special and caring
Like an everlasting kiss,
To infinity and beyond
Something you don't want to miss,
A big warm hug
Or a special little treasure
A never ending joyride
It just brings you so much pleasure,
Your body gets all tingly
You feel as light as a feather,
Your heart beats just a little faster
Whenever you're together
Roses are red white is a dove
Blue is a sky
Nov 2004
I need to hear the words
just to ease my soul
Three gentle little words
that help to keep me whole
They express so much
little words they are
the emotion is so strong
When torn apart so far
It will make me smile
with grace and style
it is worth my while
To style myself with a smile
Please tell me the words i'd like to hera
Put a smile on my soul say "i love you" in my ear.