They Lovs Me They Love Me Not Pluck a Petal Joke
Pray pretty please won't you
tell me and let me know
Which 1 you think i am in fact
As i am both severely and uterly
confused as i alone think i can not
be both at the same time
I am in fact to believe i am the
1 you compliment behind my
And speak of in ohh unsuch
glowing terms and hold in
such high regard
Occasionally bring me gifts
and invite round for Sunday
Or am i the 1 who despite all
the ever so kind and right words
you say
In the cold hard light and reality
of day
Your actions seem to not only
seem to contradict
But almost seem like you revel
and garner pleasure in the
completely opposite
Unless it is again me all at fault
thinking i have somehow earned
the right to tell you and presume
i dare ask of you for a single thing
what i actually want
Unfortunately as i have to my
cost learned that is not in fact
how this works
As quite obviously my only job
and use is to work in servitude
to please you
And you i myself dont mind
that either as i have long since
learned to deal with and gotten
over that
The only thing i simply cannot
suffer or i deteset is simply this
When it is dressed up as if i
am and you have taken me
as a fool
Which is in fact what actually
hurts me most of all because
it not only shows you know
me ohh so well
You know exactly how and
what cuts me to the bone
burns and hurts me as that
is what i care for most
So going back to the beginning
in reference to whence i started
If you are asking me which 1
i think you think i am
On the evidence i have just
provided i choose rather to
judge you on actions not
your words