Love Poem: They Told Me That God Is a Liar
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Written by: Earle Brown

They Told Me That God Is a Liar

When man tells God’s lies 
he lies to himself, 
because God never lies.
 Religion, the righteous of man, 
is self-inflicted,  
but all deeds are seen by the all-seeing eyes.

Despise the fools, 
but love their God. 
Let contrite hearts bow, 
and be subjected to the rules.
Tell me, who is the fool now?

A walking dead on a pulpit preaching,
Like a lying politician seeking 
Minds poisoned from their antidotes. 
They walk in the light, 
but are devoured by the gloom of that light;
 piously seeking to wrong their wrongs
 with whatever seems right.

So, they lie on God again, 
and God lies …, 
patiently, waiting for them to die.