They Will Love Who You Are
I've contemplated your desires as you walk into an occupied room.
You stood there laughing, bringing sweet conversations to everyone
around you. I saw the way you catch their attention for such strikingly
words that sweep out of your mouth.
They think they know you...
They don't know you at all...
I'm the only one...
Only I can recognize how exceptionally deep you really are. If only I had found you earlier my life would have been more precious. Is there a way we can rewind the tape? I had searched for you as if my contentment wasn't good enough to live with. Beyond my fire you found such generosity with my unconditional promises. Promises of a life of sincere pleasure and satisfaction. Everyone looks at you with wonder, and if they only knew how beautiful I declare you are.
They think they know you...
They don't know you at all...
I'm the only one...
Considering your soft tender heart, I could never feel more blessed. For you are my light and you make my soul shine brighter than the constellations soaring around the universe. You are my universe. I am your world and we are bound to be together on earth. Our earth will tell sweet stories through the generations of descendants from our children..our children's children...and...our grandchildren's children. Our successors will learn all about you through all the scrapbooks I have made for us and the stories passed down...
They think they will know you...
They will know you...
They will love who you are...
Written By: Laura Loo
Date Written: February 17, 2016