Things I Cannot Live Without
Here is a recent question posed to me that I needed time to think about…
What are the things in this world…I cannot live without?
Looking past food and water…the things my body needs in order to help it thrive…
I thought I’d concentrate on those things my heart and soul need to survive.
The first, for me, is love in all it’s many forms…like the love of my family and friends…Yes, love is definitely something in my life I never want to end.
The second would be hope…for even in my darkest times…when I was filled with doubt…hope was standing by my side telling me…things would all work out.
Any time a storm hit my life…no matter where or when…hope was there to remind me…the sun will shine again.
Perhaps that’s why I love sunrises so much…although this may seem a bit cliche…because rising with the sun each morning…is the hope of a new day.
The third thing would be beauty…for as long as I’m awake…I love my relationship with beauty…our subtle give and take.
For when the beauty I see around me…in the land, the sea, the air…finds its way into my heart…I begin to see more beauty everywhere.
Music would be next up…all the different types of music that I hear about…especially the music of nature…something I don’t think I could live without.
The roar of the ocean, the whistling of the wind, the sound of a single raindrop pinging…how you never know on a walk in nature which birds will be singing.
I’m sure there are more things I can’t live without that if I thought harder I would find…but these are the first four things that popped into my mind.
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that when I read this list backward…(the list I just made up above)…music, beauty, hope…all lead back to love.
No, I don’t think it’s a coincidence at all…in fact…I have do doubt…
Love is the greatest gift of all…and something I cannot live without.