Things I Love
A newborn baby, clean and pure
Basket of fruits as gifts, for sure,
Clean smell of fresh laundry to fold
Delicious cookies, hot or cold,
Elephants foraging in the bush
Fluffy kittens falling on their tush,
Gentle touches on my ear
Happiness chasing all my fears
Indian dreamcatchers hanging near,
Just a sigh when danger subsides
Kisses given to show your pride,
Luck when I any casino grace
Mothers cuddling a toddler’s face,
Newborn chicks, as delicate as lace,
Oranges and tangerines,
Peanut brittle, and magazines
Quiet villages in the mountains
Rippling waters in classic fountains,
Summertime, in all its glory
The satisfaction of a well-told story
Unusual clouds floating overhead
Velvet sweaters with purple thread,
Wild animals running free
X-rays showing no breaks in me,
Yeast breads right from the oven
Zinnias growing by the dozens.
written February 8, 2022