Things That Make My Day
To again find myself among the quick on a brilliant summer morn;
To be content with my lot as I begin my daily bourne;
To behold God's awesome universe in all that I survey;
These are just a few of the things that really make my day!
Blessed with God's everlasting love of which I'm undeserving of;
Hearing, "I love and rely on you", from the ones I love;
And hearing words of encouragement from others along the way;
These are very special things that really make my day!
Hearing the doctor say, "You're in the best of health, old boy!"
Outstanding achievements by my kin that bring me untold joy;
To freely worship and chat with The One who listens as I pray;
These are indeed extraordinary things that really make my day!
To take a leisurely stroll along a rippling mountain brook;
Ah! The joy of a rainbow trout wriggling on my hook!
A beautiful sunset reflecting upon a tranquil bay;
These are memorable things that really make my day!
Oh, that humankind would lay down arms and live in brotherhood;
That diverse cultural bars would be overcome and understood;
To find a lasting peace and all sadness and suffering allay;
These are things hoped for that would really make my day!
Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
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