Thingswill Get Better
I never knew things could get so bad,
and now looking back I wish I had
I sleep a lot, or stare off into space
sometimes I don't know about this place
I just wish things were different with everything
it would be wonderful just to hear the phone ring
I am lonely but what can I do
all I do is sit and think about you
Things will get better it just has to
I just got to think positive, and not be so blue
I wish I could've had more time to show you how I feel,
because you went your own way, and I don't want this to be real
I was hoping you'd realize what your doing to your life
cutting through my heart like a razor sharp knife
I just want you to be ok, and no matter what happens I will be here
just to be your friend, help you through things, I don't care
Things will get better for you, and for me
just please be careful you still hold the key
Things will get better I just know they will
just got to be strong, and learn how to deal
Things will get better, and I hate that this is happening,
but you got to learn some way.......