Think On That Which Is Lovely and Good
“…Think On These Things!”
(Phil. 4:8 & 9)
There is something that Paul
(the apostle), asked us to do…
“Think on those things which are
wholesome and true…”
“Whatever is honest
and whatever is just…”
We can do this! If we give God
all of our trust!
“Whatever is lovely and
whatever is pure…”
May we hold on to God’s love
which is secure….
“Whatever is good, and
brings a good report…”
Will enable our lives to
reside in “God’s court…”
“If there is any virtue.”
“Anything worthy of praise…”
This will be a blessing to us,
all of our days!
“Whatever is good.” “We need to
think on these things…”
And enjoy the freedom in Christ this brings!
“That which you have received
and learned from Paul…”
Will give to your life… True meaning after all!
May you apply the truth of
Philippians 4:8 & 9…
So you can walk in victory
and enjoy a Godly peace of mind!
As God brings you joy and
calms all of your fears.
His word will keep and guard you
from many “wasted years!”
By Jim Pemberton 04/18/10