Thinking and Therefore Becoming
It is all very well for Mr. DesCartes
to think with his mind
and therefore be with his body,
yet this fails to explain
why when I think happy and healthy
I feel like I am more,
and when I think sad and depressed
I feel like so much less.
Somewhere back in the sleepy land
of Cartesian dualism,
we can still recover the WinWin contrast of Eastern philosophy's
co-arising nondualism
of mind and body,
what is spiritual is what is also natural,
what nurtures sacred wisdom
with what nurtures secular rationality,
but also other dualisms
not merely appositional contrasts between inside-Right
and outside-Left
and revolutions,
but oppositional tensions between ecopolitical health and pathology.
Evangelical and Supremacist Trees Knowing Good Or Evil
growing in Earth's original Eden forest,
may feel more Eastern,
and RightBrain seen and heard and smelled and felt,
as WinWin KnowledgeTrees of NonDual CoArising Good AND Evil,
ecological virtues with some egocentric sins,
healthy climate governing decisions
and those more deadly,
and cognitively dissonant,
and depressing
and chronically stressing
and decompositional,
rather than Tipping Point nondual co-arising balancers
of positive evolution,
aptic contentment-happiness,
Left and RightBrain collateral dominance
within Positive Psychology and EcoPolitical Earth Sciences
throughout parenting
and educational systems
and faith and trust building systems, communities
of nondual co-arising (0)Sum WinWin nonduality
as contrasted to Cartesian dualistic assumptions
which are more (0)Sum WinLose,
Either-Or deductive-reductive fundamentalism,
rather than BothLeft AndRight co-inductive cooperative rationalism
of SecularLeft Yang with SacredElderRight Yin ethological discernment
re-combining both revolutionary regenerative health
as cooperatively grateful life trends
and evolutionary decomposing bilateral pathology
through competing to subdue maladroit LoseLose death-trends.
Our Western difference between sacred health of mind
and reductive-secular pathologies of merely natural wishful-thinking therefore being bodies
together provide a co-arising nondual bilateral view
of what we nutritionally/toxically are each day,
each year,
each life,
Yang cooperative and ecologically proudest for having achieved
as part of EarthTribe's national Treasure,
but also as Yin grateful for co-arising decompositions,
reweaving reunions
through (0)Soul YangSpace-YinTime
4D Real SpecialCase HealthWealth Time
WinWin self-governance
polypathically and polynomially and polyphonically and polyculturally applied,
noticed and appreciated,
non-violently listened to and with,
fed nutritionally and watered through thermodynamic balanced root systems,
regenerated toward and re-invested through
Seven ReGenerations of Trees
knowing both good ecological nature
and bad egocentric spirits
paranoid about Earth's LoseLose
Left v Right Cartesian dominant Western dualism.
We are fortunate,
but too seldom grateful,
to learn at least as much from our fears and fear-mongerers
(not to mention any RightWing dominating elitist names)
as we have from our great sacred and academic loves
and fellow lovers of healthy wealth
for more humane acclimating climates
within as without
EarthTribe's natural-spiritual landscapes.