Thinking Back
Shhhhhhhh !!
"eyes forward, no talking"
Tears well up in these love struck eyes
Back of my bruising left hand bright red
Can't help myself, I still have to look
Sister understand, one day we'll wed
Her Rosary exploding off my finger tips
I wince in pain but can't let her know
Face the Alter but in my mind see only her
Those dreamy eyes, her face is aglow
That sweet little smile when she sees me stare
The way she graces that little white blouse
Lord one day you will make her mine, I pray
Start a family, make a home out of a house
Again I turn, have to take a quick glance
Pleading, Sister pulls me out by the ear
Can't you see I'm so in love with her
She watches as I'm dragged out of there
Twenty years later, bowing my head
Thinking back on my beautiful life
I thank Him for answering my prayer
That pretty Catholic girl became my wife