Third Times a Charm, Rip Love
The hardest advice to take is your own
This must be why my heart never listens to my mind
I wish it would
Because if it did I wouldn’t have to keep asking God for a sign
But my heart hypnotized me and I gave in to the trance
Only to have my heart recycled because love just used me over and over
Time spent can never be bought back or returned so all the memories mine as well be burned
Love has been tugging on my heart strings and I know I shouldn’t keep holding on but my heart clasps tighter
Love is always playing games in which I am the mice
Love has a face but no legs, slithering around for love drunk mice
Such as myself now reciting the mantra sticks and stones may break my bones but love you forever hurt me
But this is the last time, love is now in a coffin
Buried with all my plans for her
I hope you rest without peace…