This Child
No matter how I grow up
Even when age rises up
I think
I will always be the same
The child from Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Exactly the child You use to know
Remember when I break rules
Or, did something, said something rude
Your Holy Name I always call
Begging--- a million times
Let not punishment fall unto me
Remember the times I silently speak
Let my labor be done in purity
And have You counted my sigh?
When my tomorrow seems out of sight
Remember when I almost fail
The promise I once made
'twas when first love struck me
But died on that scorching eve
And still I say,
"'twas never meant to be"
And so the promise went on
All I wish for
Is the perfect timing
By now, if someone comes along
Seal it with Your blessing
Let it be known to me
I'll gladly take it
And forget not my passion
Oh, Lord!
The dream I ask You to keep
May let this be included in Your will
But instead, You brought me here
Made me professed the noblest profession
Yet I ask why
Sooner or later I'll understand
Remember this child
Oh, Lord
The same child from Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Who prays for eternal life
With You
With my beloved ones
And, yes!
No matter how I grow up
Even when age rises up
These things I say and do
In this poetry I pen the most
If there's one thing that has changed
I'll never be afraid
I'll never run again
Let it be the sky or the moon
I'll think by now
It is You who walks with me