This Dirty Old Man
The Dirty Old Man...
I once knew of a dirty old man.
His way of living—I didn't understand.
To the altar, many times he cried.
You wouldn't believe the things he tried.
His involvement with sex became an addiction.
He began to raise quite a suspicion.
His wife he once loved
was now despised.
I can still see the tears in her eyes.
“What's happened to my husband?”she asked.
After she caught him in
shameful acts.
He became so confused,
not knowing where to turn.
As the sin in his heart daily burned.
At church... he was one you
could no longer find.
As God gave him over to a reprobate mind.
The details in his life
began to unfold.
Even beyond the age I would call “old.”
I often wonder what was uttered
in his last breath.
As his lustful life brought
an early death.
May you seek to live a Godly life.
Together—in God love—as husband and wife!
Run from temptation's evil grasp.
Enjoy a Godly love with will forever last.
His love will do what no other love can.
It will help you to be a Godly man!
By Jim Pemberton