This Fourth of July
This 4th Of July
To my fellow Americans,
during this 4th of July.
I have a thought.. . Here's why…
When we salute our flag
ever so grand.
Our country's foundation
is sinking in "quicksand."
This is because. From God...
We're way "off course."
Driven by lust, greed
and an "immorality force ."
Our ungodly government
continues to rule.
Anything of God has been
removed from the school.
We hear of "separation of
church and state."
Anything of God...
Many people seem to hate!
America! Listen to what
this message is about!
Everything of God is
slowly being taken out!
We must return to Jesus!...
He gives true freedom indeed!.
The truth word of God’s .
Our country must read!
Living for God is worth the cost!
Without HIM...
America is forever lost!
By Jim Pemberton