This Girl From My Past That I Once Knew
This girl from my past that I once knew
Reminds me a lot of you
She was younger that's for sure
With a sweet smile just like yours
This girl from my past that I once knew
Loved her just as much as I do you
She could always make me laugh
You and her both have that knack
This girl from my past that I once knew
Made me want to jump through all the hoops
If I was younger like she was
I'd say today how high how far
This girl from the past that I once knew
Still has a hold of my heart to tell the truth
The older these days that I get
The more I tend to look back
This girl from the past that I once knew
I was blessed to have her say I do
And she has every day since then
My life, my love, my wife, my friend
This girl from the past that I once knew
And I thank the good Lord daily I still do