Love Poem: This Hell
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Written by: Zack Seals

This Hell

For fifteen years I lived in this place 
I call hell, it's a place I've come to 
know very well. Hiding inside my soul 
I dwell, running from the pain inside 
this hell. 
This hell is a place of agony and fear, 
as if everything is gone, and no one is 
near. The burning flames I see so clear, 
even in the heat your voice is what I 
still long to hear. 
This hell holds my soul is so burned and 
bare, searing my flesh, singeing each 
hair. I long for that day when someone 
will come, and all of this scaring will be 
The empty space in my heart unfilled, 
my soul crushed, and spirit killed. Yet 
I still wait for you to end my pain, 
and put out the flames with your 
precious rain. 
Your presence here, thickens the air,
erases the fear. Out of this place 
and into your arms I fell, I'm fully 
alive, and pulled from this hell.