This Image In Hues of Oil
This Image !, in hues of oil.
A painting
There is this Lovely Lady, who’s posterior so beautiful,
lies before my eyes - it becomes ( as I gaze upon )
more alive then the life she has put before me – given to me.
Her beauty lies upon a blanket of red passion,
her back to the universe, to me and my world,
her torso, her left leg and foot buried deep into passions colour,
her right leg cocked, caressing passions, red carpeted fringes
as her right foot pushes into the blackness it lays in,
as does her left arm, her head and hands - mind ?
Can it be ?, that this beautiful body craves passion,
while her head ( mind ) denies – all the time, reaching into
the blackness of fear, the blackness of indifference,
the blackness of past pains, heartaches, disappointments
as she thinks ( intellectualizes ) her way out of
her bodies, her soul’s, her spirit’s need
for affection, passion, and intimacy.
She desires ?, but wants nothing and no one !!!
No one is good enough !!!
B. J. “A” 2
January 29th 2008