This Is How My Life Feels At My Age
Just got back from the movies,
Date night it was my choosing,
I love these nights with my man,
He's the best friend I've ever had
Job hunting seems to be a joke,
Almost as if CEO's rob their companies to snort more coke,
Politics irritate me, they'll never make sense,
If they kept things simple, it'd be less tense
See my bestie twice a month,
for an hour, sometimes four,
Always want it to keep going,
Reality doesn't allow time for more,
Come home to the house I bought two years ago,
Sense of pride we've survived everything,
Even when times are hard, it's love that gets you through,
It's what I do everyday that I love to do
I dream of a child, but time will work that out,
Got my doggies, they get what I'm all about
Much to look forward , Much I need to do
Important is exercise and eating the right food,
Fuel for your destination,
Sometimes it's hard to avoid temptation,
Eating well always keeps up the mood!
Music, writing, drawing, being creative,
Seems in our society to be kind of native,
You can go to school for this but what's the point,
Life experience is more vital and helpful tool is the joint,
This my life at my age,
Wont tell how old,
At this point interesting enough,
You didn't want to turn the page