This Is Me
Why try to hide your emotions deep within but who am I
To say anything without you saying I'm judging you,
you may think I'm in the wrong, you may not like me
because you think I think I'm all that and really I
see myself equal to you but you see things VERY MUCH
MORE different than I do. Treat me like I don't have
feeling but who am I to say anything if you'll never
listen to me to begin with? Thought I knew love but I
learned real quick I don't even have the first clue
what love truely is; two times the lover and I really
just loved myself, why can't you tell me how you feel
about me instead of having other people telling it for
you? I don't understand you but there's nothing to learn
from you but that I can't trust you because your a liar
and a cheater. All of this yes, is my opinion and of
course this is me.