This Is Where We Are
Why this?Because it just feels right!We had the fakest lying hearts;ever in sight!
This isnt my idea of love,or what I thought would be?Wondering why it feels like this?
Between you and me?Ive questioned if I love you?I doubt I ever did!No more games, fights
or battling like we’re little kids!We’re so unhealthy?Going at it like we do?Always in
competition?But only with you!You have to be right!Its always been that way?Im Ready to
leave,But not with arguing!I try not to speak,or even battle you?You make it so hard,With
the things you do?I try to ignore you?You never let it be?Where did your heart go?And words
you use to speak?Ive missed that about you? Why did it go away?True smiles?Because we
made each other that way?Theres so much distance?Its almost sad?We knew from the
beginning,it wasnt going to last.Everyday is misery?Each day seems the same?Why couldnt I
make you happy?With who Ive always been?Hearing your nasty words,What did you say
again?I feel like I hate you?and cant wait to leave this sin!Why do I get so angry?These
feelings I cannot mend.I think its time!We go our separate ways!And bring this to an end!
This is for both of us!To see our future days,With joy and happiness,We’ll soon see again?
These days are getting longer!But only making us stronger.Do you see the future yet?I
surely do!Only growing fonder.Im not quite finished yet?I have to make this clear!Dont
misread my thoughts?And conversation Im having here?I want to remind you of the guilt
indeed!Never appreciating, the time you had with me!You tell me that you love me,I must be
blind to see?My Life with you is over!My heart stopped the bleed!You said again you Love Me?
Sorry!Im Not feeling you!Remember the night making choices you chose to do?That was the
day you forced feelings I ever had away!There’s nothing left to talk about, nothing left to say.
Love wouldn’t allow getting in bed with her that day!Your actions spoke louder than words!
Nothing but despite!You wanted to know what I feel for you?Well here you go!Im excited to
be single!And cant wait to mingle!When Im around you?It’s hard to look in your face!
All I see is a cheater!And that! Can Never be erased!Game over now!Dead memories of my