This Is You
You are sweet,
But yet realistic,
You have been through a lot,
But still haven't fell apart,
Your my prince,
That helps put stuff in place,
You ment my heart,
When something here goes wrong,
You make me laugh and smile,
When I feel down,
You listen when I yell and complain,
You make butterfly feelings,
In my stomache,
And I love you for you,
And I know your mine,
You respect me,
And don't want to see me hurt,
You try to be their,
Everytime I feel i'm lower then dirt,
You give me kisses,
And gentle hugs,
You hold me close,
And we feel our love,
Even though were not together,
Yet we are apart,
Your still close to my heart,
Their might not be a forever,
But to me their is,
To be with you,
Till the last dying breath,
Will be my forever when its my time to pass,
The sft sounding voice,
Of mine that you hear,
Calming soothing relaxed,
As if you were near to hear,
Your voice soft and deep,
Makes my body excited yet calm,
When most times I fall asleep,
Your like a security blanket to me,
I'm safe warm loved and protected,
You care for me like nobody else,
I will be with you,
In your arms,
Be in a home with angel and me,
You might believe your ordinary to some,
But I just don't see me as everyone,
To me you are everything,
And superman quite possibly,
Because your different,
Your special and unique,
I know you love me for me,
Your the sun to keep me warm,
The ice to cool me down,
The blanket to cuddle up to,
The time left over is to play around,
Your the one who knows me like a book,
Also I'm a broken record,
Guess I have that down pat,
The best thing is,
I love you for you,
It's not what you own,
Or where you live,
But whats inside,
That makes me feel good,
Your straight forward,
Even if it ticks me off,
I want you,
And love you,
Keep hold of me tight,
I will never stop loving you,
You mean so much to me,
For god also knows,
You have my heart to,
I hope this means something,
From me to you,
Giving you my forever,
Is all I can do....