This Moment Forever
BY Gayle Vanasse 6/5/2022
Have you ever found that special moment where everything just feels right? Everything feels good! That moment that makes you feel like you just wish to be in this place forever, just feel like this forever.
Today, this morning I feel it. I feel it so clear, clean, beautiful. I just want this moment, these moments….. to last forever.
The cleanness of my body, my breath. The smells of the clean morning air, the sounds of the natural life, the sights of the beautiful surroundings. It’s so now, new, clean, refreshing, RAW. I feel it all enter my body through my nose, through my eyes, through my ears.
The soft breeze of a new day. The sun awaking from its long night. The birds singing glory to the new day. The soft musical notes that give life to this earth fills my heart and soul with the wonderous love, gratitude, and honor to be alive.
Oh how can I make this feeling stay in my heart forever? Not just in this present moment, these moments? Knowing soon something will interrupt this beautiful feeling I am experiencing. I wish everyone could take a moment to feel this peace of love and contentment. This feeling of joy and freedom. To be able to release any pain and anger from their lives and just feel the amazing goodness the world has to offer. To breath it all in, let yourselves explore the true feeling of happiness, love, and the joy of being truly alive.
If only these moments could last oh so much longer