This Old, Old Story
Hell is a real place, not merely a fable
Dark and lonely – it’s filled with lost souls
Many there, we all thought were stable
But, our final destination – only God controls
Hell was meant for the devil, not God’s believers
It’s filled with even those claiming to be Christian
And, especially with those who were non-believers
Then there are many who were so very unchristian
Hell is a real place, not just something made up
Dreaded by those who know it’s depths, its terrors
Where the atheist never dies – won’t just burnup
Those left to rot are forever reminded of their errors
Hell was not meant for those who God created
He meant for every soul to come to believe in Jesus
Some souls are filled with fears and are ill-fated
Nothing will relieve the pain, there where nothing frees us
Hell is a real place – never doubt the bible’s account
When skeptics try to get out of that awful place, panic sets in
Because even if they recall the sermon on the mount
There is no way out of the darkness or the consuming sin
Hell was meant for those who refuse to listen to the truth
The hearts and souls who don’t know the meaning of grace
Death can come in old age or even for those still in their youth
But when it comes, be ready – prepare for the day when you’ll face…
The final moment, the decision is yours alone – repent and know
God is still on the throne and His Son is still capable of forgiving souls
So when the time comes, your final home won’t be hell, NO –
It will be that happy place called heaven where you’ll be whole –
A saint in the presence of the One who died for everyone,
The One who silences every fear and wipes away each tear,
The One who saved your soul with love that won’t be outdone,
He made a way for each one to know faith that won’t compare
Hell is a real place – to be avoided at all cost
Listen to the whisper of His kindness, His grace
Hell isn’t meant for believers, but for the lost
Revealing the way to salvation for the human race
He is alive and well, living in the beauty of paradise
Because of Jesus, hell has lost another soul, because of Him
This salvation He offers – We’ll never know the price!
There is a future in the eternal where His light will never dim
Yes! Hell is real – but, thanks to God’s love and kindness, so is glory!
All you have to do is believe in His Son and this old, old story!