This Poem's Heart
This poem's first intention (and its heart), is it would serve
both you and me. It serves me best, perhaps, because muse leads
me to myself, to things I did not know I felt (or knew!)
I rarely have life lesson planned (fleshed out) that I would share,
I'm more a child on sea-lapped beach who finds a pretty shell
(to eyes I own, at least), whose beauty does reflect on me.
All poetry I share, is heart I wear 'exposed on sleeve'
that I would have you judge, in truth (through lenses you have brought
that serve your life)! And your perspective on my verse is heart
that you wear on your sleeve (at least to me!) I do not fault
your sex or race, I'm drawn you're drawn to poem's fragile trace
I dream I leave behind, fast fading colors of past life.
Time's change can cancel games! I value friends far more than wife
though wife who's friend's gold too (I'd say)! Life owned's just empty space.
You might as well count days we'll live (mere dream that you exalt)!
I value rhyme and rhythm too and both I count life's art.
But openness of heart, of soul, is more than afterthought
(both masterstrokes of masterpiece!) Best Life! So I believe!
Last stanza's hard for me this time (who hopes, in truth, to free
folks more to be themselves)! If heart deceives, I swear as well
its path lies in God's Will for you. Perfection does not dare
to dream it's wrong! Let imperfection be pride's song, the glue
that binds us to Christ's Grace! Humilities invest good deeds
with prayer that we're in God's Will (and somehow keep our nerve!)
Brian Johnston
2nd of January in 2023