This Woman's Worth
I am priceless
For you cannot put a
Monetary value on
A real woman
Because I do not
Follow others trying
To be their clone
I am not afraid to be
The woman that I am
Because that woman
Is a gem that is waiting
To be discovered
Devotion is my passion
I am fiercely loyal
To the ones I love
I accept all who
Want to know me
I feel blessed to
Have friends that care
I cherish them because
They are a treasure
Every person no matter
What their sin or crime
Is worthy of being loved
Forgiving others freely
Is a motto I live by
It defines who I am
Love is my reason for existing
The expression of love
From one person to another
Is the most beautiful gifts
A person can ever experience
I feel grateful for the chance
To express my love
When I love someone
Their happiness becomes
An obsession to me
Serving them is my
Greatest privilege
I am their fortress
Never leaving their
Side when in need
Their past transgressions
Make no difference to me
All I care about is the heart
That beats inside them right now
If you have me in your life
Hold onto me tightly
Because I will always
Be there for you
But, heed this warning
Don't neglect or abuse me
For another side of me
Will begin to unveil itself
For this woman has a myriad
Of emotions that unleash
Themselves without warning
If you stand in the eye of my
Hurricane I will destroy you
But, if you do nothing to
Cause a storm to brew
This will never be your fate
Because only those who
Torment me unmercifully
Receive any of my wrath
Vengeance is not my wish
My attributes and my flaws
Are all part of what makes
Me the woman that I am
A unique entity
A genuine article
A real woman
Whose heart is true
And motives are pure
The simplicity that exists
Inside my heart is what
Make this woman's worth
A priceless rarity to love